Cleaning brushes
Cleaning Brushes for endoscopy air and flushing channel / suction- and valve connection
Cleaning Brushes for endoscopy air and flushing channel
Cleaning Brushes for suction- and valve connection -
Cleaning brushes
Cleaning Brushes with Handle , 30 mm flexible tip
Cleaning Brushes with Handle , 30 mm flexible tip
Cleaning brushes
Cleaning Brushes, 30 mm flexible tip with handle 7,0 mm/ 12,0 mm brush for endoscopy
Cleaning Brushes, 30 mm flexible tip with handle 7,0 mm/ 12,0 mm brush
for endoscopy -
Cleaning brushes
Double cleaning brushes, 30 mm flexible tip 7,0 mm/ 12,0 mm brush
double cleaning brushes, 30 mm flexible tip 7,0 mm/ 12,0 mm brush
for endoscopy
Cleaning brushes
Showing all 4 results